Where To Get Bloodhound's Step in Elden Ring

  • Elden Ring is perhaps one of the most anticipated games that have ever released in modern gaming, and with reviews pouring in, its easy to see why.The game has countless Ashes of War within the game, that are going to be vital if you're seeking to become the Elden Lord.We're going to run over one of the best Ashes of War within the game, that'll making dodging as easy as ever!

    Bloodhound Step is ideal for dexterity-based builds, as it applies a Keen affinity to your weapon and pairs especially well with fast-swinging, short-range weapons. It has a modest FP cost, making it feasible to use a dozen times in a fight without a cerulean flask.

    Where To Get Bloodhound's Step in Elden Ring
    To get the Bloodhound's Step Ash of War, players must travel to the northeast of Caelid. There are two bridges located in the area, one of which is guarded by a dragon. Avoid that bridge and use the eastern bridge. There, tarnished should find a Site of Lost Grace near Lenne's Rise.

    To find the sending gate, head north into the ravine from the Third Church of Marika site of grace, and walk east for a brief distance until the ravine dead-ends. You'll find the sending gate right in front of you.

    Once you teleport to the Bestial Sanctum, head south across the great bridge and head east to find the Lenne's rise site of grace. Once there, rest and advance the time to night. The Night's Cavalry boss will appear on the smaller bridge directly north.

    Bloodhound's Step is best used in PVP, where it makes a difference against a standard roll. It is best included in range builds (like Mage or Faith builds), where weapons' skills don't matter as much as spells and keeping distance. The skill will allow these ranged characters to quickly get in and out of combat while consuming a negligible amount of FP.

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