We must form several anti-price manipulation

  • How did they manage to beat these conditions and create the OSRS gold system of work into what it is today? What was the total control of a market relinquished to create a free market?

    In those days, government reforms were made to its standards for monopolies and then they were dissolved. However, Jagex has stated themselves many times that they're not sure on what they can do to stop them. They can't create laws within the game to prevent the occurrence of monopolies. The game environment does not perform in the way it should. The economy works.

    How can one stop a huge force that is completely in control? A union is formed or group. In the 1800's, workers formed unions to DEMAND more wages, shorter working hours and better living conditions. The unions were still around in the last century and remain an integral part of many industries.

    The Solution. You might be thinking, "How will a union help the economy?". Well, here is how we'll pull this off As the merchanting clans have created trusts to gain control of a market and control the market, we will follow the same path. Here is how their system works. There is a base of supply for a particular item. A product is both a source and an demand. This is how the free economy operates.

    The clans now control the demand. To counter their strategies, we must control the supply. If we are able to manage demand, prices will almost never rise beyond what they should.

    We must form several anti-price manipulation clans to counteract their methods using boycotting. We will regularly watch the market to identify the items they place for exploitation. We will then organize as much of a boycott and protest as possible to reduce the influence they have on the market. The manipulation of prices will stop eventually, since many of the members make less every year.

    If you price-manipulate, this is the information you must know: True. However, the proportions as to the price of the items you purchase and the money you make will stay relatively the same. If you purchase items that are less expensive that aren't expensive, you will not need huge sums of money to afford what you want. This allows the market and cheap RS gold all players to flow freely, which will allow it to be more accessible. A country that has 100 wealthy people won't survive, but an economy with 10,000 players will flourish thanks to more businesses.