You will find yourself on a plane using a summoning obolisk

  • The Second test is herblore. You will now end up on a plane full of RuneScape gold various non-agressive animals, a farming patch filled with diffrent herbs. The testing agent will provide you a water filled vial, a pestle and morter, and a mystery box to resolve where a picture of this herb (With title underneath) and secondary ingrediant are portrayed. Once you solve the mystery gather the corect herb, then clean it, kill the suitable monster to get secondary. When you combine the potion use it on testing agent, if it is corect you'll be returned to the Oneiromancer.

    The next test is magic/runecrafting. You'll find yourself on a plane with one pure ess rock, and several shining rocks with symbols on them that can bill your ess with the ideal sort of runes you want. The testing agent will provide you a pickaxe and a cryptogram you will have to fix to figure out which spell to cast. As soon as you solve the puzzle you'll mine the ideal amount of character, charge your runes, and cast the spell on the testing agent. If it is the perfect spell you'll be returned into the Oneiromancer.

    The Fourth test is crafting. You will end up on a plane full of crafting substances, non-agressive monsters, and two chests. The testing agent will give you a crossword puzzle, to fillout which will explain to you how many items you need, and what you need to make. As soon as you solve it, then get the crafting tools you need from a torso you will have to cast air strike on to open. Grab the appropiate animal for hides. . .mine the appropriate rock for gold or stone, pick the flax, sheer the get the thought and set the things in the next chest. Once you get it right you'll be returned to the Oneiromancer.

    You will find yourself on a plane using a summoning obolisk,two chests and several non-agressive monsters. The testing agent will provide you a anogram to workout. As soon as you know the recognizable to summon and also the right special scroll to utilize. . .kill that the appripiate monster for the secondary, then open the chest with your strength to obtain the ideal number of shards, pouches, and charms summon your familiar cast the scroll to the testing agent and be returned to the Oneiromancer.

    As soon as you pass the tests the Oneiromancer will take whatever you've got in the testing area and alow you to use your lender on last time before going into the God room doorway.

    You may find Zanik in a crystal cage, even when you aproach it a female Goblin will poof in and ask you what you do. You tell her you are here in order to save Zanik. You the stupid. . I mean brave adventurer will inform Aladrial that OSRS buy gold Zanik is freed or you will see to it that the High War God pays.