Which of these two bows the Qianmin Ice Bow or the Wuzhuan Ice

  • Since this is the first time I've ever written a column, the layout may be very poor; however, let's do the best we can with what we have. This column is being written with the intention of explaining to a large number of ice bow players why their homework is obviously the same as that of a particular UP. So scraping.


    To begin, let's discuss the different types of damage that can be dealt in POE. This is something that many newcomers need to pay attention to, because if you don't even know how the stacking of your own damage works, then you must be a face when copying a BD. This is something that many newcomers need to pay attention to. If you're confused, or just want to know how the ins and outs of a few affixes can lead to completely different final results, allow us to explain in more detail.


    What exactly is an injury point?
    Take the most common spell in the game, the fireball, as an example.Because I currently have an affix spell on my body that adds 100-100 points of fire damage, this fireball will now cause X+240-X+240 points of fire damage. The X-X fire damage refers to the basic damage of the spell, which is the point injury. The damage utility on the skill stone refers to the utilization rate of the skill to the point injury.


    Is there any way, in addition to this, that we can increase the amount of damage that the spell does?It is true that the level of the spell, as well as the damage it deals on a basic level, will increase as the level increases; consequently, we can think of increasing the spell damage as being equivalent to increasing the level of the spell skill. It is dependent on the skill as to whether or not the heap of damage is beneficial, as well as the level of the heap. When you see this, you should have been able to comprehend the damage utility of, as well as the increase in point damage brought about by the increase in skill level.


    Let's talk about the attack skills that correspond to the spells after we finish talking about the spells. Let's take Sweep as an example. I think that it is obvious at first glance. The majority of attack skills have a damage utility that increases with level, and most skills also have some damage associated with them. Very low, the point damage will not increase much as the level increases, and many attack skills do not even have point damage themselves. This means that the point damage of the attack skills is extremely dependent on the weapon, and the level increases the attack skills. Very low, the point damage will not increase much as the level increases. Because its effect is so negligible in comparison to that of spells, having access to a reliable weapon is absolutely crucial for developing one's combat prowess.


    This particular kind of damage is the one that appears the most frequently in the game, both in the talent tree and on the various pieces of equipment. For instance, an increase in elemental damage, physical damage, or continuous damage by 10%—all of these affixes are superimposed rather than multiplied. If this is the case, how do we see those affixes in the skills that we play?On the skill tab, you will see information regarding fireball distance, projectiles, spells, area of effect, and flames. This indicates that the fireball can acquire the INC bonus associated with this skill by dealing damage in the form of projectile damage, spell damage, area damage, fire damage, or global damage.


    This particular kind of damage poe orbs is extremely uncommon in the game. The vast majority of it comes from skill stones, while only a small portion comes from talents and equipment bonuses. Level 20 Elemental Concentration brings 49% elemental damage. By applying the essence of extreme terror to head gear, it is possible to grant the skill stone worn on the head a 30% increase in its resistance to elemental damage. Because it is so difficult to acquire, the sublimation of the secret technique can result in an increase of 15% in the damage caused by frost. Additionally, all other damages are multiplied by this increase.


    The composition of damage in the Path of Exile game is diverse, but it is not overly complicated. In a general sense, it entails the addition of things that are the same kind and the multiplication of things that are different kinds. It can take a very long time before a player has enough experience to level up in the game. After reading the damage composition that was just presented, there are discerning friends who ought to continue reading and others who cannot. Because what I am going to discuss next consists of nothing more than a few affixes and pieces of equipment. The first step in gaining an understanding of how a BD can achieve the strength of some demo content in the current environment of POE is to determine what unique affixes or mechanisms the BD is based on in order to achieve high output and survival, and then to analyze each of these affixes and mechanisms in turn. We will do this step by step.


    You can tell from the name of this BD, the Qianmin Ice Bow, that it was constructed with agility as the primary focus. These are the three pillars upon which the Qianmin Ice Bow is built, and as a result, we can draw the conclusion that we should stack agility in order to receive a significant amount of frost damage and elemental damage in order to improve our own injury. but. One of the things that we need to think about is whether or not agile is actually useful.


    If we have been stacking agility, we need to pay attention to the utilization of the suffix, and we can find it in the suffix Critical damage attack speed. The answer is no, the value given by agility itself is extremely low; only the hit value can be considered to be an advantage; other eggs have no use. Because of the structure of Qianmin Bing Bow, these affixes become progressively more difficult to use. It is clear from the name that this is a BD that has the fundamental mechanism of stacking physical point damage transformed into frost damage.


    I have a feeling that some of my friends already have it figured out. The reason for this is that hatred brings in an extremely high amount of revenue for Wuzhuan. Second, Wuzhuan is able to consume a greater quantity of affix bonuses and auras. In point of fact, the outcome is very clear. Because hatred has such an exceptionally high rate of conversion efficiency, it results in the whole body stacking agility. The point injury of the Qianmin Bing Bow is not as effective as that of the Wu Zhuan Bing Bow, and a large number of suffixes that are not useful are wasted in order to stack Agility. In contrast, the Wu Zhuan Bing Bow only needs to find a solution to the problem of turning injury.


    poe exalted orb


    In order to turn the ice bow, only the first shoal is utilized. It is also an ice bow, the Qianmin ice bow, when viewed from the perspective of the result, and the equipment of the third stick can be described as a full-body mirror when viewed from that perspective. It should come as no surprise that I have been advocating for Dongzhu throughout this season. Why do you send me private messages asking me every question you have about ice bows?I also have high hopes that this article will be of great assistance to my friends who struggle with making decisions. Concerning the price of construction, this is unquestionably an obstacle that cannot be overcome. There is no way that it can be done. To put it another way, we are now well into the second half of the season. This is the point where I want to make my point. Take better care of yourself, pay more attention when you play a Blu-ray disc, and resist the urge to copy everything. It is possible to say bow BD and COC. It is the area that sustains the most damage from overturning, and the reason Path of Exile 2 for this is nothing more than a fundamental misunderstanding of the damage that is done.