How to Reach and Defeat General Radahn in Elden Ring

  • Ultimate Guide to Defeating General Radahn in Elden Ring

    General Radahn, also known as Starscourge Radahn, is one of the most formidable demigods in the Elden Ring. This guide provides detailed steps on how to locate and defeat Radahn, making your journey in the Lands Between a tad easier. For players looking to enhance their experience or purchase runes, finding the best place to buy Elden Ring runes can significantly bolster your arsenal.

    Locating General Radahn

    To find Radahn, players must first navigate to the Redmane Castle in Caelid. This journey is no small feat, as Caelid's landscape is treacherous, and filled with formidable enemies and environmental hazards.

    1. Start your journey from Limgrave, heading eastward towards the Scarlet Rot-infested Caelid region.
    2. Upon reaching Caelid, follow the main road south until you encounter the Redmane Castle.
    3. Important: Before entering the castle, ensure you're well-prepared. Stock up on healing items and consider upgrading your weapons and armor. Visiting the best place to buy Elden Ring runes for upgrades is advisable.

    Preparation for the Battle

    Before facing General Radahn, adequate preparation is crucial. This includes optimizing your gear, leveling up your character, and understanding Radahn's attack patterns.

    • Upgrade your weapons and armor. Investing in runes from the best place to buy Elden Ring runes can provide a significant advantage.
    • Learn Radahn's attack patterns. He is known for his gravity-based attacks and wide swings.
    • Gather summons to aid in the battle. Spirit Ashes can be invaluable allies in this tough fight.

    The Battle Against General Radahn

    The fight with Radahn is epic and challenging, taking place in a vast arena where Radahn will use a variety of attacks to decimate his foes.

    Strategies to Defeat Radahn

    Defeating General Radahn requires patience, skill, and the right strategy. Here are some tips to help you triumph:

    • Keep Moving: Radahn's attacks are powerful but can be avoided with constant movement.
    • Use the Environment: Use obstacles within the arena to shield yourself from Radahn's ranged attacks.
    • Summon Help: Don't hesitate to use Spirit Ashes to summon allies during the fight. This can distract Radahn and give you opportunities to attack.
    • Aim for Weak Spots: Radahn is particularly vulnerable after executing his heavy attacks. Use these windows to deal as much damage as possible.
    • Manage Your Stamina: Ensure you have enough stamina to dodge after attacking. Running out of stamina can leave you vulnerable to Radahn's devastating blows.

    Post-Battle Rewards

    Defeating General Radahn is a significant achievement in Elden Ring. Upon his defeat, you'll be rewarded with:

    • Runes: A substantial amount, which can be used for leveling up or purchasing items. Remember, finding the best place to buy Elden Ring runes can also complement your earnings here.
    • Remembrance of the Starscourge: This item can be traded for unique weapons or consumed for a large number of runes.
    • Access to new areas: Radahn's defeat opens up new paths and possibilities in the Lands Between.


    Defeating General Radahn in Elden Ring is a milestone in your journey through the Lands Between. With the right preparation, strategy, and perseverance, this formidable foe can be vanquished, paving the way for further adventures. Whether it's upgrading your gear with runes purchased from the best place to buy Elden Ring runes or mastering the art of combat, every challenge in Elden Ring is an opportunity for growth and discovery.

    Additional Resources

    For further reading and strategies on defeating General Radahn and other bosses in Elden Ring, consider exploring community forums, guides, and videos created by experienced players. These resources can provide deeper insights into effective tactics and preparation methods, ensuring your success in the challenging world of Elden Ring.