This page contains a video of the New Amazon as it appears in a

  • Diablo 2: Resurrection will be released on the 23rd of September, which means that D2 Resurrected Items will be here in just a few short weeks. The game has already gone through a number of beta tests, giving many players an idea of what they can expect when the game launches in the not-too-distant future. 

    Blizzard, as we discussed during our hands-on time, has taken a very safe and effective approach: 
    While the gameplay has remained largely unchanged, there have been some significant visual changes that come with a remaster of this scope and significance, which can be seen in the trailer below. When compared to the characters' pixelated 2000s-era graphics, the Amazon, as well as the rest of the cast, have a significantly different aesthetic. The Amazon (and her other party members) will be more clearly defined after today's release of a new trailer, which will allow you to see some of her actions and get a better sense for what she looks like.

    When confronted with large groups of enemies huddled together in a short period of time, the Amazon's primary weapons are bows and javelins, and she is deadly both at a distance and when fighting them head on. The Javason was one of my favorite enemies to battle during one of many runs through the Secret Cow Level that I had many years ago.

    Some negative feedback has been received as a result of the video, which may be related to some people's dissatisfaction with the new Amazon design, which has been widely expressed on social media platforms in recent weeks, according to the video's creator. Having said that, the majority of the time, the ratio is still heavily skewed in favor of the female gender. The game Diablo 2: Resurrection will be released on the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and other gaming consoles in just a few weeks, and it will be available on PCs and other gaming platforms as well.


    The Amazon Leveling Guide has all the information you need to get started with your favorite character!

    Because of these three factors, not every Skill is appropriate for usage at early leveling:

    Skills that don't require any previously farmed gear may only be used with a select few.

    Damage is a problem for many leveling setups. Progress might be difficult, if not impossible, to make if you start with an end game setup.

    Due to Immunities, some builds have a difficult time transitioning into hell.

    We've made it easy for you to progress through the game by providing you with detailed skill trees and useful objects. The most difficult conflicts and dealing with immunity are also addressed.


    What Exactly Is Amazon?

    Women are thought to be the only members of the Amazon warrior caste because of their inherent dexterity, which is ideal for combat in Sanctuary's cramped jungles. It is hard to believe that Amazons are still unsurpassed in the art of ranged fighting, even though they have been banished from their own land for a very long time.


    Javelin and Spear Skills is a tree that lets the Amazon to increase her melee and long-range assaults with javelins, spears, and poisonous arrows.


    In the Magic and Passive Skills tree, passive effects are used to enhance the Amazon's fighting abilities. There are also a number of ranged combat debuffs and defensive summons included.


    For example, the Amazon may conjure magical ammunition out of thin air, divide one projectile into several, and cause tremendous bursts of ice and fire on contact with her arrows or bolts through the Bow and Crossbow Skills tree.