It was discussed in relation to a variety of Midway offerings, which were described as it was an "evolution" in the form of Mut 25 coins Slugfest (with a significant reduction in fighting, and Mortal Kombat unlockables) and "baseball's version" of Blitz: The League (without any drugs, broken bones, or anything else that could be considered mature). It was fast and frantic and an incredibly enjoyable change of pace from the slower baseball sims available at the time.
Local multiplayer shined the brightest in Pickup mode. Much like NFL and NBA Street before it, it gathered the players of a random group to play a mini-draft as an open-play game. It was a great source of fun as each collection of players was completely different in a time where the roster was filled with incredible and entertaining talent. There were just two players per position.
The players had to go through every section to determine whether this group of pickup players was an even balance or not. In addition the only method to obtain a fresh group of players was to return all the way into the menu, and use the controller and the difficulty selection every time. It was an exhausting procedure, but worthwhile be able to use a mixed selection of Madden 25 stars every time.
The first quality-of life change involves extending time until when the computer captures the ball. This is an option to add, however the CPU will generally snap the ball quickly when it crosses an LOS (in part due to faster presentation, but also in order to not have to stand wait during the LOS and occasionally because an the clock speed is accelerated). However, online players are aware that adjustments prior to play are extremely crucial, and are even more so this time. Therefore, if there were an option to allow players extra time before the line of play to make adjustments, this could be beneficial.
An additional OS customer (reyes on the top) is also pointing out that this is already happening when you're in the practice session. If you're making adjustments to the pre-play however, the CPU won't take the ball off. Personally, I'd add an option that time "freezes" in the event you turn the adjustments for pre-play buy Madden 25 coins to off in the menu options. This means you can keep an the accelerated clock running and so on, but you can still make defensive adjustments if would like to take on the CPU (assuming they're not playing a rush-up offensive). The same principle wouldn't be applicable online, as you're able to quickly snap whatever you like to stop other players from adjusting their settings and that brings us to the next suggested modification.