Instructions on how to level up your Rocket League character as

  • In Rocket League item trading prices, increasing your level does not result in your car becoming any more effective. Gaining in-game experience, on the other hand, is required in order to unlock new titles and avatar borders at various levels of achievement in the game. In order to progress through the levels, players must collect experience points at the conclusion of each completed match.


    However, there are methods for expediting the leveling up of your account, despite the fact that it may take some time. Aside from not quitting a game too soon, players can earn bonus experience by playing consecutive matches, substituting for someone in a casual game, and participating in a variety of other activities. Through the course of this guide, we'll go over all of the different methods for leveling up your character in Rocket League.

    Contribute to the success of the team as a valuable member.

    The fact that you are the one who scores all of the goals is not required of you. You should probably stay on defense, pass the ball to other players, and do your best to help the team in any way you can, regardless of your skill level.

    In order to determine the number of experience points earned at the conclusion of a match, a number of factors must be considered. Being a valuable team member is a fantastic way to gain valuable additional experience while doing something you enjoy.

    Maintain a safe distance between yourself and the goal when no one else is looking. It is not necessary to try to take the ball away from your teammates if they are in a good position with it. Gaining more experience points is as simple as recognizing that you are a team player and acting in accordance with that recognition and behavior. It is important to always strive to maintain effective communication while also learning how to communicate effectively in Rocket Pass 4 Items for sale.

    Never give up on your matches.

    If you want to gain experience in the game, you need to be actively participating in it. It is even possible to earn bonus points by remaining in the arena until the conclusion of the matches.

    Teammates abandoning you during a game of Rocket League is not uncommon in this competitive game. The game thus ensures that leaving a game after someone else has left is risk-free, and as a result, many people will leave a game immediately after someone else has left it. Numerous RL Items Store players are completely unaware of the fact that those who play all the way through to the end of a match are rewarded with additional experience points. In order to gain the additional experience you need to level up more quickly and efficiently, you should wait until the end of the game.

    In casual matches, you can fill in for other players if necessary.

    Casual games can also award experience points to the players who engage in the activity. Players abandoning their games in unranked matches, on the other hand, is not uncommon in ranked matches. People who participate in a casual match because they are filling in for a teammate who has abandoned their squad are not penalized by Psyonix; instead, they are rewarded for their efforts by the company.

    Players who participate in (and complete) consecutive casual matches will receive an additional 200 XP as a bonus. Apart from that, winning games and playing through to the end can earn you experience points, making casual games an excellent way to level up your skills and experience.

    Winnings are rewarded with a weekly bonus.

    The Weekly Win Bonus is a bonus that you receive for winning a match when you have one available. It is worth an additional 2500 experience points. Weekends with double XP and Rocket Pass multipliers can help you gain a significant amount of experience points, which can help you progress faster in the game.

    Please keep in mind that you are only eligible to receive a maximum of 21 bonus points per week. However, despite the fact that these bonus points are advantageous, you should not rely on them to provide consistent results throughout the course of the week.

    Challenges to Overcome on a Weekly Basis

    Rocket League trading prices's challenges have quickly gained popularity since their introduction, and they have quickly become a significant source of experience points for players. When you complete a Weekly Challenge, you will receive between 10000 and 15000 XP depending on the difficulty. These three tasks will be assigned to players once a week, and they must be completed in one week. Members of the Rocket Pass Premium program, on the other hand, receive twice the number of challenges.

    Season Challenges are also available in , and they reward players with a significant amount of experience points for completing them. You will receive 10000, 15000, or 20,000 experience points if you successfully complete a challenge, depending on the difficulty level.

    Weekends are a great time to level up because you can earn twice the experience points.

    Although Psyonix will be responsible for this, every now and then they will hold a double XP weekend, which means those are the days to focus on farming experience points. Double XP days, when combined with the other tips listed above, will allow players to reach high levels much more quickly than they would otherwise be able to.

    That brings us to the conclusion of our discussion on how to rank up in Rocket League more quickly — now put our recommendations to good use and start unlocking some crates.